Tryouts for the 2025 Outdoor Track and Field season will take place Feb 24-Feb 28 from 2:30-4:30 at the track.
In order to try out you must have the following completed:
1. Activity Registration (re-register for this year, select Outdoor track)
2. Physical (high school form stamped) - please make sure it is a VHSL sports physical and that all pages are signed and dated after 5/1/24.
3. Emergency Blue card (no physical card this year - information is entered directly into athletics registration page)
4. Signed Certificate of Concussion Training (dated after July 8th)
5. Signed up on the track interest form (this form)
All of these forms can be found on the athletics website under 'Quicklinks' on the left hand side of the page.
Pages can be scanned by using the notes app on your phones or by taking pictures.
If you are new you need to create an account on the activity registration page. Please follow the link on how to make an account
If you have any questions, please see Coach Lee in Rm. 2301 or by email at